How to Keep Your Elderly Parents Happy

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How to Keep Your Elderly Parents Happy

If you have elderly parents, then you are naturally concerned about their health and longevity. Countless studies have indicated that improved life quality and healthcare can add years to one’s life expectancy – up to two decades.

Now, this is definitely great news for our parents and other elderly loved ones; the burning question is what adjustments should be made to add those valuable years to the life of our senior citizens. Firstly, when your elderly loved ones reach a certain, you might want to get their opinion about moving them to the best assisted living community.

However, if they (elderly loved ones) are perfectly capable of living independently, there are things you can do to keep their life as happy and comfortable as possible.

Here is how:

Socializing & Staying Connected

The pandemic has made us realize the importance of staying connected with one another. If you cannot visit your elderly parents regularly, make sure you stay connected via technology. Video calling has allowed us to see and connect with our loved ones when we cannot be together physically.

By staying connected over the phone, your elderly parents will be eagerly waiting for the call or facetime sessions. Besides, you can also encourage your parents to socialize with their neighbors or the elderly community and feel they are part of the tribe.

Mental & Physical Activity

When we age, our mind and body start to decline naturally – however, we can put off a rapid mental and physical decline for a long time by staying active mentally and physically. Encourage your parents to solve puzzles, play games, such as crosswords, and participate in weekly or monthly competitions. The underlying purpose is to keep the mind active by stimulating it into taking on challenges. By doing so, you can prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Another way to ensure that your parents are living a happy and healthy life is by encouraging them to stay physically active. If they cannot go for a jog in the nearby park anymore, encourage them to go on a brisk walk every day. They can also join online yoga and low-impact training classes that will keep them physically active. In case of joint problems, you can get them one of the best mobility scooters so they can run different errands themselves – without depending on anyone.

Living a Meaningful Life

It doesn’t matter what age we are – we constantly need to have a purpose so we can live a meaningful life. The purpose of incorporating meaning in one’s life is that you constantly have something to look forward to – in the absence of which stress, anxiety, sadness, and depression can take over.

That said, make sure that your elderly loved ones feel that they are needed so they can maintain a positive outlook on life. Keep them engaged in your life by asking them about their valuable advice – or you could encourage them to join online communities and engage with people who share a valuable purpose.

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